Shipping Policy

We ship to all countries worldwide, shipping from the USA and China. Shipment options and times for your location will show in the check-out screen. 

Non-USA/worldwide orders - please note: we do NOT pay any customs or duties taxes or fees in any direction of shipment. Please check your country's customs fee schedule before ordering from us. 

Most of our products ship out the same day from the USA via USPS, or Asia via an expedited (fast) delivery service. Other, specialty artisan-made items will ship from elsewhere in the world (our non-USA warehouse locations are: United Kingdom, Canada and China) and can take several weeks to arrive. 

Please note, you may receive items from the same order in separate packages.

If pandemic-related issues or extreme weather conditions are affecting shipments from the USA, we may ship from our warehouses in the UK or Asia for a faster and more reliable delivery.

You will receive a shipment email - please check your spam inbox if you do not see it, and feel free to email us at any time if you have questions at: